Saturday, August 15, 2009


Gilded Wings

The heavens hang
a laundry line of clouds
as far as the eye can see,
where placid waters
meet the sky.
The gentle tumble of breakers,
languid whispers
like velvet…
a soft caress
upon my ears
reminding me
of long ago.

Summer days that stretched
like bent and broken limbs,
reaching across
gray linen fields
for the temporal sun,
forever beckoning
with its white hot light.

But my dreams
I was not unlike Icarus
in his doomed attempt
to fly….
I hovered
ever closer
to your heart
of radiant beams.
I too, have melted,
like those gilded wings,
imperfect, wilting.

Perhaps it was my destiny
to melt, to dissolve
in a puddle of wax at your feet,
a fallen angel who veered
from her righteous path
on the way
to eternity.

Colleen M. Breuning © 2009
August 1, 2009